Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Bad Brushing Teeth Habit?


I feel guilty, but I will get over it.

I barely brush my teeth. Maybe, 4 or so times a week. Okay, maybe a little more, maybe like, 6 times or something. Anyway, what is a good way to have me get into a habit of doing this more often? I think of it this way: would if I was about to kiss a guy? That still doesn't help me though. Any suggestions? Also, if you feel comfortable, how many times, about, do you brush your teeth a week?

Thank you guys soo much!

Bad Brushing Teeth Habit?
The purpose of brushing teeth is to keep them clean of food particles and the bacteria that accumulate over night when you sleep. Rinsing your mouth frequently with clean water, especially after any intake of food/beverage, is one way of keeping your mouth clean.

Now come to brushing. Dentists generally advise to brush at least twice a day especially after lunch and dinner. Many people are not able to keep this routine for various reasons. I am one of them, my reason? The back of my mouth is highly sensitive and I throw up if brush after the food intake.

So, I follow the following routine:

1. Immediately after getting up in the morning I rinse my mouth with fresh water vigorously using my fingers to reach out every nook and corner of the mouth. This helps in flushing out the over-night bacteria accumulation and the after-dinner-food-particles, if remaining at all.

2. Then, I drink tea with morning papers and then BRUSH my teeth using tooth-paste and brush. Contrary to general practice of circulatory motion, I use up %26amp; down motion of brush, on outside and inside surfaces, targetting each tooth to the best of my ability. Up %26amp; down motion helps dislodge food particles stuck between the teeth. It takes about two to three minutes and also disallows tea stains to form.

3. Thereafter, I go on to have my breakfast, late morning snacks, lunch, after-noon tea/snacks, dinner and whole day of tea/coffee/beverage consumption but make sure to rinse my mouth, again using fingers thoroughly, soon after any in-take of food/beverages. This way, I don't allow food particles to remain in my mouth. I have adopted this procedure to eliminate use of tooth-paste and brush so that I can do it anytime anywhere. I don't need to carry my brush and paste everywhere.

4. Twice or thrice in a week I use dental floss to clean gaps in the teeth.

I am 59 years old and have been able to maintain a healthy set of teeth and gums. Once in a while, depending on the type of food I consume in the dinner, I do use brush %26amp; paste

before going to bed so that my partner does not desert me.

The bottom line is your mouth should remain clean, brush or no-brush.
Reply:well if you dont like to brush your teeth that often brush them once a morning after you eat breakfast

I brush once and floss after dinner thats about it.
Reply:I brush twice a day but I do admit I don't brush for 2 minutes.

If you don't brush twice a day your teeth will be like my dad's when you are older. So brown and icky that they almost look hairy. And he can't chew very well because his gums are weak.

Maybe that helped.
Reply:I only remember to do it before bed. Make it part of your routine and you will do it.

It's hard for me to remember to do it before leaving the house, cause I just grab food on my way to work...but keep in mind that chewing SUGAR-FREE gum does help, so try to do that as well.
Reply:wow, how old are you? when i was a young kid i did that, but after that you just know you have to brush your teeth.

i brush my teeth every day out of the week, sometimes twice a day which you are really supposed to do, but i only have the time for once a day, with mouthwash
Reply:You should brush your teeth at least twice a day- according to my dentist. I brush every morning as soon as I get up. A good rule is this: the first thing you do in the morning is to go to the bathroom. After you pee, wash your hands. While you are standing at the sink, it only takes 2 minutes to brush!! And, if you think about why you have that horrible morning breath, if you brush at night, you won't have it nearly as bad! And, if I were a guy, I would be able to tell your teeth were not clean- both visually, and by the bad breath!!
Reply:omg, Sweetie, you need to brush your teeth twice a day!!!! When you get up and when you go to bed. This should be part of a daily ritual. I don't want to scare you but if it works ok... I had a 29 yr old cousin that had very poor oral hygiene. not unlike yourself, he rarely brushed, I also guess you don't go to a dentist.... anyway, he developed an abcess in his gums and it became infected. he never went to see about it and he died from septic blood poisining!! Your gums can easily become infected with the oral bacteria in your mouth and this bacteria can get into your blood stream and go to your heart. If that happens then you are really in trouble.

I myself brush 3 times a day and floss and wash with antibacterial mouth wash twice a day.

If the above doesn't happen then you can certainly lose your teeth at a very young age. Do yourself a favor,

take care of your mouth,teeth and gums, go to a dentist for a check up and further instructions.
Reply:i used to be like you because up unil about a month ago i had perfect teeth and got away with brushing once every morning for about one minute at the most. Then I went to the dentist and they said in a 6 month period of not frequently brushing/flossing I managed to get 5 cavities and gingivitis. After that little bit of news I usually brush twice a day and floss once but I'll admit this doesn't always happen.
Reply:Brush while you are showering :)

And get some mouth wash!
Reply:Well, I used to have bad brushing habits too (sometimes I would go the weekend without brushing my teeth, or days that i had off of work) And I hardly if ever flossed. I tend to have pretty good teeth, I only have 3 fillings. But when I had my teeth cleaned a couple of years ago something happened to me to make me change my dental habits. The lady cleaning my teeth said my gums were in the early stages of gingivitis and if I do not change my brushing habits I could lose my teeth. gingivitis is caused by plaque that is left on the teeth. It can cause your gums to recede till you do not have enough gum to hold your tooth in place and it falls out. I am only in my mid 20's and my gums have receded a little bit. But I still have my teeth

If these pictures do not get you to brush and floss, i do not know what will

ahh his teeth is moving!
Reply:I brush my teeth in the morning, after I eat and at night before going bed. They always say, "Always brush the teeth you want to keep"

If you don't like to brush your teeth, go to your dentist and let them show you their patients who don't do it. Bad breath, gingivitis and missing tooth are for witches on Halloween.

There is no research out there that stated you have to brush twice aday. In fact, there is two studies by Loe and Silness (1965 and 1973) that involved a group of students who were instructed to abandon all their brushing for a month so the gingival inflammation and plaque accumulation can be studied (I guess if you are a student, you have no right back then). The result showed that gingivitis occured at day number 3, with plaque formed some hard mass at day number seven and more and required professional cleaning. This proved that if you brush your teeth very thoroughly, you can brush once a day and it is just as effective. You can use the plaque disclosure liquid or tablet to mark your plaque red and remove them easily this way. The best way I found is to use the Sonnicare, which I believe is the best brush due to speed and degree of cleanliness. The clean and healthy teeth are those that does not bleed during brushing. By the way, brush sideway, horizontally at the gum line (BASS technique, adopted by ADA). Hope my answer can help you.
Reply:Try to wake up each morning and brush your teeth for 2 minutes and think of what people used to think your breath smelled like. Try to start over with a clean start and do your hair and feel nice about yourself and then when you are heading to bed brush your teeth again thinking that you are getting ready for tomorrows cleaning!

God Bless!
Reply:well when you get your first rotten tooth you will start brushing. i brush in the morning, middle day and before bed. i had alot of money in my mouth
Reply:I have the same problem so I brush my teeth in the shower and that helps me remember to do it


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