Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Gum vs. Brushing Teeth?

My mom and I constantly have this argument over wether i should brush my teeth again or just chew gum. I say that if i chew a piece of gum my bad breath will go away but she says that i dosent kill the germs that cause bad breath. Is that true? Also is gum as good as brushing teeth?

Gum vs. Brushing Teeth?
Well, I don't know how old you are, but I'm sure you're too old to have to have your mother tell you that you have bad breath. Do you realize that she may be getting on your nerves by constantly saying it, but there are bunches of other people constantly THINKING it, and just not telling you? Do you really want to be the guy with the terrible breath?

Yes, your mother is right. Bad breath is caused by several different factors, one of which is millions of dead bacteria all over your tongue, cheeks, gums and teeth. Chewing gum does nothing for those bacteria but swishes them around, and in fact, just transfers them to the gum you're chewing. Ew. And the scent of your gum may help cover your bad breath for a few minutes, but then it goes away and you're back to stinking, even if you don't smell it, because you're used to it. And trust me, nothing turns chicks off more than bad breath. Eventually, those bacteria (and the food stuck along your gum line and between your teeth) will eat through the enamel and cause cavities and rot, if it hasn't already. Yuck. And why? Because you don't want to agree with your mom? You're showing her!! :p

So, all I can tell you is to stop being lazy and just brush your dang teeth! Twice a day (morning and night) at least, but more if you have the time. Your teeth and your smile are one of the first thing people will notice about you and there is nothing attractive about bad breath or rotting teeth. And you might want to thank your mom for looking out for you, even when you're being stubborn. :)

you have to brush

i would worry more about the plaque and losing your teeth and gingivitis than just haveing good breath

i hear chicks dig teeth
Reply:definitely when your at home brush your teeth

but after eating a meal and u can't brush your teeth

gum is as good as brushing your teeth
Reply:If you do not brush your teeth, tongue and gums, disease and bad breath will grown in your mouth.


After brushing morning and night use an ANTIBACTERIAL MOUTH WASH. It kills the mouth germs. \

Reply:why don't you just talk to your dentist if you don't believe your mom
Reply:Sorry but your mum is right. Brush your teeth again...that will help get rid of the germs also try using a mouthwash too. Chewing gum is not as good as brushing your teeth.
Reply:Brush @ least 2 times a day just like your dentist tell you. =)
Reply:Listen to your mother . . .

brush your teeth!
Reply:Ok, first off there is nothing the replaces a good 2 minute brushing. But....according to my dentist....if you can't brush...then at least floss. But I have found some neat little things called 'Brush-Ups' by Oral -B. They are these little things you put on your finger and brush over your teeth. I carry them in my purse, so after we go out and eat(if we are planning on going somewhere else), I floss and use those in the car. They are not a real substitute either for a good brushing....but sure ewill help get the food and film off your teeth.

As the sign in my dentist's office says.."Ignore your teeth, and they will go away."

Footnote: I have always heard that bad breath actually comes from what is in your stomach...not your mouth.
Reply:You mom knows what she's talking about. Gum has nothing to do with making bad breath go away. All it does is cover it up for a while. Do you see "Anit-bacterial" on your gum package? No. That's because gum doesn't kill the bacteria in your mouth that is causing your bad breath. Only brushing, flossing, mouth rinse and dental cleanings help get rid of the bacteria. In no way is chewing gum as good as brushing your teeth. Think about it. Does gum scrub away the plaque in your mouth? Does it scrub away the bacteria on your tongue? No. Listen to your mom.


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