Friday, July 31, 2009

Am i brushing my teeth too much? can i scrape the enamel off?

i brush my teeth in the morning, afternoon and night, and sometimes in between like when i eat a snack or something.

is this hurting my teeth in anyway? brushing them too much?

Seriously this has become like an OCD thing, were if i dont feel like i brushed them right, i have to again.

Am i brushing my teeth too much? can i scrape the enamel off?
i have a great alternative!

every time i went to the upstairs bathroom I used to brush my teeth like obsessively,

and then i got a bad tooth, and got my mum to buy me some mouthwash,

it takes time to find the one you like!

but once you have you wont look back!

brush your teeth two or three times a day still, but when you have done that and want to do it again use mouthwash!
Reply:You can certainly wear away the enamel, especially at the gumline as it is so thin there. Just make sure you use a soft brush, ordinary (not whitening or abrasive) toothpaste, and hold your toothbrush gently in your hand when brushing (ie, you should be able to hold it very gently with two fingers). Also, dont scrub from side to side, do more of a circular motion. Good luck! Stop scrubbing so hard!
Reply:Brushing too much is very helpful to your oral health.And will not hurt ur teeth anyway, BUT you have to brush them in a proper way with a proper brush.

If you brush with a wrong technique (Even if u brush once a day) then you will harm your teeth. But brushing many times but correctly will be benefecial.
Reply:brushing too many times is not good for your enamel. Brush twice a day is enough. Concentrate in the nights. Do proper method, up %26amp; down movements. Use floss before brushing.
Reply:Although the teeth look very strong, they can wear away just like anything. I suggest using a 'medium' brush and moving it around your teeth in regular circular motions. The number of times you clean your teeth a day is up to you, and will cause you no damage as long as you don't press too hard. If you think you suffer from OCD, you have to understand that this is a disorder, and it CAN be treated. Don't be afraid to get a medication for it, however these are not 'over-the-counter' and you will therefore have to see a doctor.

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