Friday, July 31, 2009

Is it safe/effective to brush your teeth with peroxide to whiten them (in addition to daily brushing) ?

I have used crest whitestrips in the past to whiten my teeth and they have worked well. The active ingredient in most if not all teeth bleaching kits is a type of peroxide. So I was wondering if after brushing with toothpaste would it be safe and effective to dip the brush in hydrogen peroxide and brush? If so, what concentration of peroxide would be safe enough to use but most effective? Any tips would be appreciated! :)

Is it safe/effective to brush your teeth with peroxide to whiten them (in addition to daily brushing) ?
i guess so as long as it's not pure peroxide you are using, as peroxide can be a bit destructive to delicate tissue.
Reply:Yes it is the same thing only grandma always did this her teeth were always white and healthy. You can get the stronger peroxide I believe it is 10%? and it comes in a smaller bottle...look at the drug store it is usually nearby the hair dying area.
Reply:Colgate makes a product called Peroxyl, which is appropriately diluted mint-flavored peroxide. You can find it by the mouthwash in basically any pharmacy/mass retailer. I've used it quite often to cleanse irritations in my mouth (wisdom teeth) with no problem, though I do rinse after using just in case it might harm the enamel.

To be safe, you really should ask your dentist before using peroxide in your mouth daily.


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